August 18, 2023

The Battle for Quiet Time

Written by Wisdom Hunters

We need and crave our quiet time. For some, it’s the key to surviving the day in front of you.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today –August 18, 2023

Guest Writer Pat Elsberry

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

The older I get, time becomes more elusive. The battle for quiet time has become my opponent. So, what have the best Generals in the Army done when they are in a fight? They create a plan to conquer the enemy. Since I greatly treasure my quiet time, this has become a priority. Beginning the day in the peaceful serenity of the morning with a cup of coffee, my Bible, a favorite devotional, and my treasured journal is my favorite way to begin each day. But the battle for my quiet time has become my new enemy. 

When my daughter first ran ahead to Heaven, I didn’t sleep much and found myself wide awake at 5:00 a.m. This time became my time. I wasn’t anyone’s wife, mother, or co-worker during those early morning hours. But it was my dedicated time as a daughter, meant to be spent with my Heavenly Father. This was earmarked as the time between me and Jesus. When did the battle for a quiet time even become a battle? 

Well, it didn’t take me too long to realize the enemy of my time sits squarely in my right hand – my iPhone. Oh, I have such a love-hate relationship with it. It houses my entire life within its little 7″ oblong body. As scary as it sounds, I’ve let it become the thing that actually runs my whole life. It tells me when and where to come and go. It tells me when it’s someone’s birthday or anniversary. It’s even become the substitute for the pages of my old, well-loved, treasured Bible that’s been through so much of life with me. Now if I want to read a passage of scripture, I can just pull it up on my Bible app! 

Oh, the battle for quiet time is real, and I recently woke up realizing I didn’t want to fight this battle anymore. I want my life back; the only way to do it is to take it back. Yes, I can do this! Cue the music from Rocky as he’s running up the steps in Philadelphia! I know what I can do – get rid of my phone! Then I picture all the women protesting for Freedom in the 60s, many burning their bras! Now that was a statement, wasn’t it? Freedom sounds good, but on second thought, I need my bra … and iPhone.

Sometimes we just need to take a moment and return to the basics. Life can be overwhelming in and of itself. We need and crave our quiet time. For some, it’s the key to surviving the day in front of you. I know I need to begin my day in the quiet presence of the Lord. He helps to calm my heart and all the worries within. He speaks peace to all that concerns me, and I want to remain as close to Him as possible. 

Today, I’m reinstating a few things to regain control of some parts of my life. After pouring that first cup of coffee, I will sit quietly for a few minutes instead of reaching for my phone. Instead of letting the world’s distractions take over, I will enjoy the peace and quiet of the moment. Before reading the latest comments on Facebook or Instagram, I will read my devotionals or Bible first. Then, I will spend a few moments writing in my journal – where God has repeatedly met me over the years. If you’ve been overwhelmed, will you join me in taking back a tiny piece of your life? 

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35).


Father, in the busyness of life and the hurried way of this world, please help me keep you first and at the center of all I do each day. When I drift to the left or right, Holy Spirit, please remind me to return to the center of all that matters.


Take a moment and think about one or two things you can do to regain your treasured quiet time. Perhaps discuss with a friend. Write down the things you are going to implement and hold one another accountable as you seek God in the early moments of the day.

Related Reading

Psalm 91:1; Psalm 1:2; Matthew 6:6; Matthew 6:33

Worship Resource

Consumed by Fire: First Things First


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