August 20, 2024

The Joy of Coming Home

Written by Shana Schutte

He will always receive you with open arms.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – August 20, 2024

For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.  Hebrews 12:6, ESV

Whenever God disciplines one of His children, it’s never to harm or punish them. It’s always to lead them away from sin and back into His loving arms. He can see the pain His children will face in the future if they do not turn back to Him. Therefore, He is willing to do whatever it takes to bring any of His wayward kids back home to His heart.

As the time for Christ to return draws closer, awful and tragic things will happen in the world. These are signs of His return and are also a call for anyone who is out of His will to turn from sin and back to Him. In His power, He even uses evil to accomplish His purposes, just like He did with the horror of the cross. Nothing can keep Christ from working in the heart of the one who will let Him in.

Once one of God’s children turns from their sins and repents, there may be grief: grief for lost and unproductive time, grief because of those who have been hurt by their sin, and grief for hurting Jesus, the one they truly love the most, in the same way that Peter grieved after denying Christ.

But Christ’s call is not to stay in grief. His call is to move forward into joy! Imagine yourself running forward into His loving arms! In repentance there truly is joy! Coming home to Jesus also brings peace and gratitude for how He has rescued us.

If you can relate, keep this in mind: Once you have repented of your sin, don’t keep looking back over your shoulder at how you failed. Condemnation and keeping you stuck in the past is the devil’s game. But for those who are in Christ, there is no condemnation. Instead, be like Paul, pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus.

Don’t you see, then, how your sin through repentance can be used to make you a bright and bold witness for Jesus? Because once He rescues you and you turn back to Him and gratitude fills your heart for what He has done for you, you will want everyone to know His love the same way you know it! That’s redemption! That’s what he does. He redeems all things. Even our sin.

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1).


Lord, as I live my life, help me to stay close to you and remember that you are never interested in punishing me. You are always interested in restoring me. You want to keep me safe from sin and close to your heart. This means I can always come to you to repent and you will not harm me. You will always receive me with open arms. Thank you, Lord. Amen.


Sit quietly with Jesus and ask Him if there is any sin in your life that you need to turn from. Listen to see what He has to say. If He reveals anything to you that you need to turn from, commit to do so, knowing that He is keeping you from harm through repentance and that He is drawing you closer to Himself.

Related Reading

Philippians 3:14; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 5:1; John 3:18-19

Worship Resource

Chris Tomlin feat. Pat Barrett: Good Good Father


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