“Abundant life is found in solidarity with the poor and humility of spirit.”
Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – January 11, 2025
It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19, ESV
I saw a news story from a few years back about Justin Bieber, one of the most famous pop stars on the planet, that comes to mind as I read today’s passage from Proverbs 16. The article noted how a passerby photographed Bieber discreetly and anonymously buying food and water for a homeless man and woman, even stopping to sit and talk with them on the streets of LA. This young man has made countless millions and performed to sold-out crowds in the largest stadiums in the world, and while his struggles have been widely publicized, there’s something in this simple story that I find both moving and inspiring. At that moment, he modeled a deeply Christian truth. Though he has access to the most elite circles of modern society, he chose, even if only for a fleeting second, to “be of a lowly spirit with the poor.”
I have to smile as I tell this story, for it is undoubtedly inspiration from an unlikely source. Yet the longer I live, the more I’m convinced that inspiration and wisdom are all around us, if only we have eyes to see it and an openness to hear from the Lord however he may want to speak to us and get our attention. Let him surprise you and look for signs of the kingdom everywhere you go.
Proverbs 16 highlights a universal temptation that exists within every human heart: we long to be “in the room where it happens.” We are drawn to places of power and people of great influence and means. These are symptoms of a much deeper ailment, namely, the desire for control and security. If we have power and money, we can convince ourselves that we’re in control of our own destinies and that we can ensure for ourselves a life of comfort and pleasure. And while elements of this may be true, as Bieber and countless others like him can confirm, it is possible to gain the entire world and lose your soul (Matthew 16:26).
Abundant life is found in solidarity with the poor and humility of spirit. This is the way that was modelled for us by Jesus Christ himself, who reminds us that he is “gentle and lowly in heart,” and as we learn to live as he lived and embrace the way of humility, we “will find rest for (our) souls” (Matthew 11:29). Let us not fear or distain the lowly way, for it is the only way that leads to life.
Father, keep our hearts free from the love of money and power, but instead let us live as Jesus lived, serving the poor and embracing a humble and lowly spirit, in the power of your Spirit at work within us, amen.
Consider how you can practically serve the poor and needy this week.
Related Reading
Isaiah 57:15; Matthew 5:3; Philippians 2:3-4
Worship Resource
Brooke Ligertwood: King Jesus
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