January 8, 2010

Unjust Treatment

Written by Boyd Bailey

Unjust Treatment… “When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he withdrew to Galilee.” Matthew 4:12

There are days of mistreatment that come from disloyal and jealous people. Sometimes good people experience bad consequences, so the glory of God can be made known through their lives. John boldly took a public stand for his faith and was punished for his courageous obedience to God. Do you feel like you have been wronged for doing right? Has your faith been put on trial and were you convicted for speaking the truth?

Your circumstance of ill treatment may not result in a physical rescue from Christ, but it is in your trapped condition that He wants your intimacy with Him to grow deeper and sweeter. Your authorities at work may have broken a promise or used an unscrupulous process to get their desired results. You feel used and abused. So how will you respond? Will you return evil for evil, or will you extend grace in the face of extreme frustration?

“Do not repay evil for evil”… “If your enemy is hungry, feed him: if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head” (Romans 12:17a, 20). A radical response of love is a remedy for being isolated by an unjust person.

What are you learning as a result of feeling rejected or misunderstood? Has your determination grown in its resolve and do you have more focused attention on the mission of the organization? Loss of freedom and/or resources aligns us back to the essentials of an effective strategy and efficient execution of our situation. Use this time of limited options to build sustainable systems and the most productive processes. Cling to your core values as your compass for behavior. Your optimism is an insurgent against others insecurities.

Lastly, let the Lord be your source of strength. Faith forged on the anvil of adversity becomes solid steel in mental toughness, emotional stability and spiritual maturity. Whenever people see Jesus in your humble, non-defensive attitude they hear His voice of truth. Learn your lessons from the Lord during stressful situations and leave it with Him to educate others in what needs to be done. Perseverance pays with respect and results.

Am I consumed with trusting Christ or with my unjust treatment? How can I, by God’s grace, love the unlovely?

Related Readings: Psalm 23; Psalm 109:5; 2 Timothy 3:2; Revelation 7:12

Transformational Living
What did I learn from the Lord in today’s Bible reading? How will I respond?


  1. Julie says:

    This was the best word I have heard since July. I have been going through a horrible divorce (my husband filed divorce because he wanted more money from me). He began to become very greedy and horrible things that are very untrue have been said about me from him and his attorney. I have prayed the “Why” reading this has finally helped me. I have another court date January 27th I am hoping it is not as devestating and horrible as the November court date. I am the sole bread winner so I am currently ordered to pay spousal and child support in an astonishing amount.

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