September 6, 2024

Thy Will Be Done

Written by Boyd Bailey

You do what you know is God’s will to know God’s will.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 6, 2024

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42

Jesus started out by teaching His disciples the Lord’s Prayer, which includes the powerful prayer of thy will be done, but He also calls on the same prayer in His darkest hours when, in the Garden of Gethsemane, he cried out, not my will, but thy will be done. Humility is a prerequisite as it positions our hearts to acknowledge that the Lord’s perspective is higher and broader than our own understanding and experience can bring to our lives. And honestly, if Jesus needed to pray in the good times and on His most difficult days for a holy dependence on following God’s will, that should be enough for us. You probably remember the famous C.S. Lewis quote, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.'” So, wisdom is to pray now, thy will be done, in place of one day the Lord saying, ok, well you had it your way, so thy will be done. Humility submits. 

Nothing healthy comes from a mindset that competes with God. We may not say it out loud, but by our actions, we compete with God’s will by living out what we want to do without seeking, discerning, and defining what the Lord wants us to do. We may even say with our lips thy will be done, but in our hearts, we nurse along our will. Thankfully, God’s ways are the best ways, but His ways can be unclear. But He uses struggles and faith stretching to make us more like Jesus, which is the greatest goal of a follower of Jesus Christ. We can bypass the time and energy commitment of seeking first God’s will, but in the long run, circumventing Christ pays a price with broken relationships, unhealthy outcomes, and ultimately an empty end of life. 

When you pray God’s will be done, you surrender your will to bend toward divine outcomes: the fruit of the Spirit, saved souls, family, and friends who long for the Lord. A spirit of seeking God’s will over your will moves the Spirit to change you as you pray. Prayer is not hoping to have your way and asking God to bless a mess. Prayer is discovering God’s already blessed way, which is waiting for those who travel with a trusting and loving life. Joyfully obeying, especially during days of agony and turmoil, is a facet of following Jesus, which is not always fun, yet you remain faithful as He is faithful. Surrender frees you to follow. 

So, how do you discern God’s will? Scripture and listening to God and others are essential to understanding God’s will. However, there is one critical next step after discerning, and that is doing. The Lord’s will becomes more apparent with each step of obedience. Why would a loving Father lead you unfit to the next step until you took the first step of love and obedience? Your obedience today qualifies you to obey and be blessed tomorrow. Oswald Chambers speaks to the role of obedience in knowing God’s will, “The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies but its obedience. God will never reveal more truth about Himself until you have obeyed what you know already.” You do what you know is God’s will to know God’s will.


Lord, guide me as I seek to discern Your will. Help me quiet my heart and listen to Your voice amidst life’s noise. Give me the wisdom to understand Your plans and the courage to follow where You lead. May my desires align with Your purpose, and my obedience reflect Your truth. Amen.


What next step of obedience is the Lord asking of you so He is free to show you the following steps of His will?

Related Reading

Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; 1 Peter 2:15

Worship Resource

Anne & Lainey Wilson: Praying Woman


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