June 2, 2020

Trust Brings Peace

Written by Shana Schutte

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 2, 2020

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27

A few years ago, my friend Sandra was cross-country skiing alone in the Colorado mountains. She needed to stop for a moment to text her husband. While doing so, she looked up. Terror struck her heart. There was a mamma moose with her calf just yards away in front of her on the trail. This was not good because cow moose, like bears, can be very protective of their young.

Sandra screamed loudly.

Then, in a flash, she clicked out of her ski bindings and dove off the side of the trail. She rolled down the mountain scraping rocks and trees, until she came to a stop. She looked up and saw both moose running back and forth above her on the trail. They were looking down, trying to find her.  

Sandra later acknowledged that screaming may have signaled she was a threat. She also knew when you come into contact with a moose, you’re supposed to hide behind something large, like a boulder or a tree and stay still. This is because moose have horrible eyesight and once you hide behind a large object, they can’t make you out. 

While sharing this story with my sister, she said, “Moose are aggressive because everything is a threat when you can’t see.” 

Wow. Powerful statement. This truth doesn’t just apply to moose, but to people too! 

When you and I can’t “see” the future, we feel threatened. When we’re worried about how our unemployment situation will turn out, we feel threatened. When we aren’t sure if our marriage is going to survive, we feel threatened. And when we feel threatened, we can feel afraid. 

But God gives us an alternative to feeling threatened and afraid: trust. 

Trust isn’t something you choose because you feel like it. It’s something you choose in the moment when you feel anything but calm. It’s something you decide to do when your child is in the hospital, when your husband has told you he is leaving, and when you’re not sure how you’re going to make your next mortgage payment. 

Trust brings calm when you can’t see the answer. Even though circumstances are blurry and your vision for the future is unclear, trust will give you peace. 

Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

This verse shows that peace is a by-product of trust—and trust happens when we meditate and focus on who God is and who we are to Him. It happens when we focus and meditate on His truth. In the presence of praise for God’s goodness, sovereignty, and love, even when you can’t see the answer, peace can be your companion. 

Once you decide to trust and you focus and meditate on God’s truth, it doesn’t mean that you will have permanent peace and that you’ll never need to go back to the well of truth and choosing to trust again. On the contrary, you may need to continually reaffirm your trust in Him when life is hard. But in doing so, you’ll develop a greater intimacy with the One who loves you and will never leave you. 

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe” (Psalm 4:8).


Lord, during this time when things are uncertain, I choose to trust you. When I can’t see the future, you are my vision. When I can’t provide for myself, you are my Provider. When I don’t know the answers, you provide wisdom and knowledge. When I don’t understand what will happen in the future, you are my Guide. You know all; you see all, and you love me. I choose to trust you, Lord. Amen.


Call someone today and share your story about choosing to trust God during this time when you can’t see what the future holds.

Related Reading

Job 22:21-22; Psalm 119: 165; Romans 1:17

Here is a helpful resource during these days of grief, sorrow and uncertainty: A Little Book of Comfort

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Trust happens when we meditate and focus on who God is and who we are to Him. #WisdomHunters #trust #truth #Jesus

Worship Resource

3 minute video: Audrey Assad: 


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