September 11, 2024

Trying Too Hard

Written by Boyd Bailey

Christ has you covered, and you don’t need to carry it alone.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – September 11, 2024

Martha was distracted with much serving. Luke 10:40

I catch myself trying too hard when encountering a new situation or in the presence of someone I must impress. Instead of being myself and seeking to be a good listener, I babble on, thinking I need to carry the conversation. Or, I have a new work opportunity, and I feel compelled to go into hyperdrive and expect everyone around to join me. Sadly, in these overcompensating moments, I drift away from my dependence on God and miss resting in who I am. Instead, I can wisely remind myself that the Holy Spirit is present, and He is the One who directs prayerful conversations with richness and guides measured activities with fruitfulness. Loving obedience to Jesus is not about trying too hard but about the hard work of first being with Jesus to be loved. 

Martha struggled with overcompensating in the presence of greatness—Jesus was in her home! The Lord was with her and her sister Mary—in real-time. Yet she was distracted with much serving. She was distracted from reading the room, listening, and learning what the Lord had for her before she started to serve others. N.T. Wright helps us learn from Martha’s tense moment, “We need to learn to stop, sit at Jesus’ feet, and listen to him so that when we do get up to act, it is in his power and strength, not our own.” Indeed, sit before we stand! This Holy Spirit inspired sequence moves us into our everyday world, empowered to be a loving influence to those we encounter. Our daily communion with Christ is a bridge of love to guide us in His wise ways. 

Sometimes, we try too hard. We take on burdens that aren’t ours to carry, thinking that things will fall into place if we do more, work harder, or push through. Martha did this—busy, anxious, trying to serve Jesus, but missing the peace of sitting at His feet. On the other hand, Mary chose to be with Him, trusting that time spent in His presence was enough. The truth is that our striving can often distract us from the real source of peace. God invites us to trust Him with the outcomes and to release our need for control. When we sit with Jesus and lean on Him, we find the rest our souls crave. Trusting Jesus by being with Jesus is more than enough when we see His smile. 

Overthinking sometimes drives trying too hard. It’s easy to fall into the trap of overthinking, isn’t it? You find yourself replaying situations in your mind, trying to solve every detail, worrying about how things will turn out, while the sweet Holy Spirit invites you to take a step back. Instead of overanalyzing, bring it to Him in prayer. Scripture reminds you not to be anxious about anything but to present your requests to God. When you feel yourself getting tangled in worry, pause. Ask yourself, “Am I trusting God with this?” Release the need to have it all figured out. Let Him guide your steps. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes. Relax into His peace, knowing He’s already got you covered, and you don’t need to carry it alone. Rest in Him.


Lord, help me release my need to control and overthink. Teach me to trust Your wisdom and guidance instead of relying on my own efforts. When I try too hard, remind me to rest in Your peace and let go of my worries, knowing You have everything in Your hands. Amen.


What are you overthinking, or where are you trying too hard? Give yourself permission to stop and recenter on Jesus in prayer, faith, and love.

Related Reading

Psalm 127:1-2; Proverbs 23:4; Ecclesiastes 4:6; Isaiah 30:15; Matthew 11:28-30

Worship Resource

Toby Mac: Faithfully


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