July 11, 2024

Unswerving Hope

Written by Tripp Prince

Unswerving hope requires that we avoid life’s grave errors and the daily temptations of life.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 11, 2024

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23, NIV

When I hear the word “unswervingly,” I immediately think of driving a car. Of course, this is not an image that the author of Hebrews would have had in mind, but in our age, I find it to be immediately applicable and helpful for us as we seek to discern the wisdom and application for our lives that can be found in these ancient words.

On the one hand, we find drivers who have no business being behind the wheel of a car, swerving erratically from one lane to the next, endangering their own lives and the lives of those around them. I imagine we’ve all had to dodge a driver like this at one time or another. In our spiritual lives, this might be compared to those who “snap,” allowing the pressures of life to break them, opening them to a host of grave moral consequences as they allow their passions and desires to take the wheel and drive them wherever they want to go.

Of course, this kind of swerving has disastrous consequences and should be avoided at all costs, yet there is another kind of swerving that works against our spiritual health, and is far more pervasive, thus requiring even more attentiveness on our parts. For most of us, we don’t wake up and face a daily risk of running a car off the road, to stick with our analogy. Yet we do face a temptation toward a subtle inattentiveness to the way of Christ, like a driver who causally glances at their phone or ignores the fact that their car is slightly misaligned, consistently pulling to the left. 

Unswerving hope requires that we avoid life’s grave errors and the daily temptations that are seemingly small and insignificant, yet over time can be just as catastrophic. 

Today, let us be unswerving in our faith, holding to hope in and through daily acts of faithfulness to Christ, even as we trust in his faithfulness and promise never to leave or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).


Father, help us hold fast to an unswerving faith, we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Are there ways you have been inattentive to your “driving,” letting unhealthy practices creep in that threaten to compromise your long-term hope and trust in Christ?

Related Reading

Psalm 147:11; Romans 12:12; 2 Corinthians 4:18

Worship Resource

Brian Johnson: Living Hope


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