May 18, 2024

Walk in the Light

Written by Tripp Prince

It is impossible to arrive at your intended destination if you can’t see where you’re going.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – May 18, 2024

 I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness. John 12:46, NKJV

I recently attempted to walk down the stairs to my basement with both hands full of items that needed to be stored in a closet. This was a seemingly mundane and routine chore, yet I found myself unable to proceed for one simple reason. I’d shut the door behind me and all the lights were off in the basement, thus leaving me in complete darkness in the stairwell. Without a free hand to flip the switch, I had a choice to make: continue to press on in the darkness or take a few steps back, free my hands, and then proceed once the light was on.  

As silly as this example may be, the principle applies to the whole of life’s journey, even its most significant and weighty moments. We often find ourselves lacking the clarity needed to move forward with confidence. Sometimes it may be a lack of knowledge or insufficient training, whereas other times, it may be our own sin that clouds our judgment and darkens the path before us. In such times, the first step of wisdom is to realize the foolishness of trying to press ahead when you can’t see where you’re going. Of course, our egos will do all they can to convince us that we’re fine – it’s not really that dark, you’ll figure it out as you go, you don’t really need the light – yet as anyone who has made this mistake can attest, it is simply impossible to arrive at your intended destination if you can’t see where you’re going. 

Throughout the Gospel of John, we encounter this theme of light and darkness. Time and time again, humanity and creation are depicted as walking in darkness, unable to see the way forward. Yet, thanks be to God, Christ is the light of God that illumines the world, bringing clarity where there was once confusion. He offers direction and hope when we are lost in our own rebellion and self-love. The world is filled with the light of Christ, and we no longer have to stumble forward in darkness. The path is illumined before us, waiting for us to take a step out of the dark and into the light of his perfect love.


Father, help us turn away from darkness and learn to walk in your light daily, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Are there ways that your self-confidence or self-assuredness has caused you to stumble ahead in the darkness instead of patiently trusting in God and following him as he reveals his light to you?

Related Reading

John 1:1-5; John 8:12; John 12:35-36

Worship Resource

Maverick City Music feat. Ryan Ofei: Here I Am To Worship


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