October 7, 2023

What’s Your Custom?

Written by Tripp Prince

If we want to know God and encounter the light of his love in transformative ways, we must intentionally place ourselves in the stream of his grace.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – October 7, 2023

And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. Luke 4:16, ESV

Luke 4 contains a remarkable story of prophetic fulfillment, with the words of Isaiah finding their true meaning in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. As he says in verse 21, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” For good reason, this is the typical focus of this passage, for it points us to Christ as the one in whom good news is proclaimed to the poor and liberty to the captives. The favor of God is found in the incarnation of Jesus. Yet in today’s reflection, I want to zero in on a single phrase that is found in verse 16. Everything that happened in this remarkable story took place in the synagogue, “as was [Jesus’] custom.”

This miraculous moment for Jesus was not rooted in an exceptional deviation from his normal week-to-week rhythm of life. No, Jesus maintained a faithful custom that was pleasing to God, and it was within this way of being that the work of God was accomplished. His first step of faithfulness was being in the right place at the right time. 

In reflecting upon this truth, I believe wisdom is found when we reflect upon our own lives through this lens of custom. I imagine we all have customs in the plural sense that collectively make up the rhythm of our lives. “Tripp was taking his son to soccer practice on Thursday nights, as was his custom.” “Tripp was up early making coffee, as was his custom.” So on and so forth. Each of these carries with them their own aim and goal. I go to soccer because I love my son and want to be with him. I make coffee because I need the energy boost to get through the morning. 

If you and I want to know God and encounter the light of his love in transformative ways, we must intentionally place ourselves in the stream of his grace. Of course, we cannot manufacture this encounter, nor do we set the terms, but if we do not have a custom of prayer, silence, Bible study, and communion with the family of God, then we shouldn’t be surprised if we find him to be elusive or distant. 

Let us together embrace a custom of faithfulness, trusting that it is in this life of longing and pursuit that God is to be found.


Father, help us to embrace a custom of faithful living that orients our lives every day toward Christ and his kingdom. Amen.


What customs in your life need to go, and what needs to be embraced to place yourself more fully in the pathway of the Lord?

Related Reading

Exodus 16:26; Matthew 18:20; 1 Corinthians 5:4

Worship Resource

Sandra McCracken: Steadfast


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