Name: Boyd Bailey
Hometown: Roswell, GA
Occupation: Encourager, writer
One sentence that describes you: My passion is to encourage people in following God’s will for their life.
One fun/interesting fact about you: I like movies about heroes who make a difference: Braveheart, Rudy, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, Amazing Grace and August Rush
How long have you been a wisdom hunter (passionate follower of Christ)? 31 years
What wisdom have you been learning from scripture lately? Walk with Christ in humility so I can receive His grace and wisdom. God’s favor is at His discretion, so I want to remain trustworthy with His blessing.
Wisdom Hunters is based on Proverbs 13:20, what is the most impactful word of wisdom you have received from a fellow wisdom hunter? Right after becoming a Christian a mentor suggested I spend an hour a day with the Lord in prayer and Bible reading. Each day I look for Christ to recalibrate my heart and thinking through His Holy word the Bible.
Any tips for new wisdom hunters? Listen more than you talk. Apply what you learn and give trusted friends permission to hold you accountable. Be long suffering and quick to forgive. Surround yourself with older mentors who are passionate and model one topic like: money, marriage, Bible study, business, etc.
We’ve got to ask…why are you a fan of Wisdom Hunters blog and Facebook fan page? I like learning from a community of believers and hearing their hearts for the Lord.
Any last piece of wisdom you want to share with your fellow wisdom hunters? Keep your eyes on Jesus, He will never let you down. And fear God for this is the beginning of wisdom!
Boyd Bailey is the author of Wisdom Hunter Daily Devotional, and two devotional books, Infusion and Seeking Daily the Heart of God.
This was taken moments after encountering my first great white shark face to face with my son-in-law Todd. Not sure if shark-cage diving was the wisest activity but it sure was fun!