July 16, 2024

Why It’s Good to Ask for Help

Written by Shana Schutte

When you ask for help, others can grow in love.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 16, 2024

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35

As soon as I was diagnosed with cancer, I shared my trial on Facebook with friends, family, and Wisdom Hunter’s readers. My goal wasn’t to gain attention or to make people feel sorry for me, but my thought was that the more people who knew about my trial, the better, because more people would pray.

Since this time, I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and kindness from people, both near and far … from people I know, and from people I have never met.

The body of Christ has literally been holding me up. Each and every day I feel myself strengthened from the prayers and encouraging words of God’s people.

Not only have people prayed, but they have given financial resources, their time, and their gifts. I have been blown away by the kindness of others. It has truly been humbling, and has revealed the love of the Father to me in a greater way than I have ever known.

Sometimes it’s not easy letting others know about our needs or struggles. We may feel insecure, or that we are a burden. But God has created us as a body. And when one part hurts, we all hurt.

As we allow others to know our needs, it gives them an opportunity to show God’s love to us, which in turn causes their love for Him to grow.

The body of Christ has special gifts and talents, each one for the ministering of the Saints. If we do not allow others to know what we need or how we are struggling, we may rob another Saint of their opportunity to grow in love for others and for God.

If we are not open to allowing others to know our needs or how we struggle, we may need to ask ourselves why this is so.

Is it because we struggle with pride? Or shame? Or do we feel that it’s OK for us to serve others but not to be served? Do we feel that it’s OK for others to be imperfect, but we believe the lie that we must be perfect, showing no weakness?

Are you going through something difficult today? Do you have a tendency to keep your struggles to yourself? Do you feel embarrassed or ashamed to tell others about your needs or trials? If so, talk to the Lord about this, confess any sinful attitude if needed, and then change your behavior, according to how God is guiding you.

Finally, remember that when you ask for help that you are actually giving another brother or sister in Christ the opportunity to grow in genuine love.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34).


Lord, I lay aside any pride, any insecurity, or any shame that would cause me to hide or not ask for help from others when needed. Help me to remember that when I express my needs, I am actually giving them an opportunity to love you and others more fully. Amen.


Put this devotional into practice today.

Related Reading

John 15:12; Romans 12:10; 1 John 4:7

Worship Resource

Don Moen: Deeper in Love


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