July 15, 2020

Women of Influence

Written by Boyd Bailey

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – July 15, 2020

One day, Elisha traveled to Shunem. There was a well-known woman who lived there, and she convinced him to eat something. So whenever he walked by her house, he went in and ate. This man, who comes by here frequently to eat, is a holy man of God. Can we please make a little room for him—just a simple setting: a bed, a lamp, a table, and a chair. That way, whenever he comes here, he can rest in his own room and have his privacy. 2 Kings 4:8-10, The Voice

I am so grateful for so many women who use their influence for God’s best. Some are women of prayer, who approach heaven with holy boldness on behalf of their family, friends and those who have yet to believe in Jesus Christ. These praying women ask their generous heavenly Father for physical wholeness, emotional healing and spiritual restoration. Other women of influence have a work platform to promote diligence, equality, respect, collaboration and excellent work. How fitting for a woman to open her home in love, as if she is hosting the Lord Jesus Himself.

Such was the hospitality of the unnamed woman who lived in Shunem. Her respect for God’s holy man Elisha led her to frequently feed him a meal. Reluctant at first, Elisha did not want to be an imposition, but she soon convinced him that her genuine generosity was the Lord’s provision for him. As time passed, she worked with her husband to organize a small guest room for their weary traveler to rest and enjoy some privacy. Women of influence seek ways to serve. 

“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. She carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness” (Proverbs 31:25-27).

How do you use your influence for the Lord? You may not realize the extent in which others respect you, listen to you and learn from you. Mostly, those in your circle of influence are impacted by your behavior. Your smile, kind word and generosity are gifts that keep giving. Good actions are infectious. Influence grows with time and extends to the people you may never meet until you arrive in heaven. Your home full of love may be the best way to influence others.

Most of all grow in God’s influence over your life. How do you know Jesus is your greatest influence? The more you credit Christ with your life and work, you are being influenced by His glory. The more you emulate Jesus in your compassion, care and concern for others, you are being influenced by His love. The more time spent being still, listening to God’s heart, you are being influenced by ideas bigger than you. The more you learn Scripture and apply it to your life, the more you are being influenced by Christ’s life. Be influenced by God to influence for God! 

“I [Jesus] have not ever acted, and will not in the future act, on My own. I listen to the directions of the One who sent Me and act on these divine instructions. For this reason, My judgment is always fair and never self-serving. I’m committed to pursuing God’s agenda and not My own” (John 5:30, The Voice).


Heavenly Father, grow your influence over my life so I can be a creditable influence for you, in Jesus’ name, amen.


How can I use my home to love and influence people?

Related Reading

Proverbs 27:17; Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Corinthians 15:33; 1 Peter 2:12

Enjoy Boyd’s newest and well loved 40 day devotional book: Wisdom For Living. Wise living is all about the Lord Jesus Christ. What is His best? What is His will?

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