June 8, 2024

Your Heart is Not Right

Written by Tripp Prince

Search for the root cause that animates your actions.”

Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today – June 8, 2024

You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin. Acts 8:21-23, NIV

Though our actions and decisions carry great weight and impact our lives and the lives of those around us, today, in Acts 8, we are reminded once again of one of the central themes of the New Testament: the Lord cares about the state of your heart. Not only does he care about it, but he is reminding us that the unseen motivations and desires that live deep within are actually closely connected to our external actions, for the motives of the heart eventually work their way out and find expression in our words and deeds. 

Acts 8 introduces us to Simon the Sorcerer, a man who had an unquenchable thirst for power and the fame and adoration that it brought him. When he saw the Spirit at work in the Apostles, he longed to share in this power, believing the Holy Spirit was a power to be possessed rather than a person to whom he should submit. Interestingly, Peter directs his rebuke of Simon, not at his words or deeds, but at the interior condition of his soul. “Your heart is not right before God.”

Of course, Peter gained insight into the state of his heart through Simon’s actions, yet Peter, in his wisdom, knew that these were just external symptoms, not the root cause. And just like in medicine, it is vital for our spiritual health that we cure the underlying condition of our hearts, not simply treat the presenting symptoms. Simon’s heart was “full of bitterness and captive to sin.” As long as that remained the case, no amount of behavior modification would ever result in the lasting transformation that is a sign of the Spirit’s work in someone’s life. 

While our challenges and temptations may be different than Simon’s, the same wisdom applies. Can you and I receive Peter’s words as a word spoken directly to us, today? Stop focusing on fixing your external behavior and dig deeper, searching for the root cause that animates your actions. And when you find it, receive the gift of the Spirit with a heart of repentance and a belief that even the deepest and darkest parts of our hearts can be healed by the gift of his healing presence.


Father, transform us by your love in every way, not just in our words or deeds, but even in the innermost parts of our hearts, that we may be free to follow you with humility and thanksgiving for all our days, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


In prayer, ask the Lord to reveal to you the parts of your heart that are still in need of his healing touch.

Related Reading

Luke 3:8; Romans 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9

Worship Resource

One Church feat. Sarah Traynor: Lord, I Need You


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