Thoughts from daily Bible reading for today- August 21, 2010
“It’s all right,’ he said, ‘Don’t be afraid. Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks; I received your silver.’ Then he brought Simeon out to them.” Genesis 43:23
Things may still get worse before they get better, but He is not going anywhere. He is there for you. Rest in Him, trust in Him and walk with Him. Listen to His still, small voice and receive His calm assurance, “It’s all right.” It is all right because He is all right: Jesus is not just all right, He is right here with you and for you.
He also sends His emissaries of encouragement. People who seem to pop into your life become God’s lifeline to heaven. They are angels of light and love. Receive those whom God has sent to you. They are God’s representatives who simply by their presence say, “It’s all right.” Calm assurance is what these friends have to offer. They are extensions of God’s grace. Place your fears at their feet and at the feet of Jesus. Let them “love on” you. You love and encourage most effectively when you allow yourself to be loved and encouraged.
We all need calm assurance. There are times in which fear fractures your faith. You need the tender mending of another’s calm assurance to make your faith whole. The words “It’s all right” are medicine for your wound. Calm assurance brings healing to your unhealthy worry. This sick situation is under God’s control. He can and will handle it. He has sent this unsuspecting person into your life for calm assurance. Receive them and trust that God is orchestrating the circumstances of your life.
The transformation of your worry into calm assurance allows you to extend the same to another. Calm assurance is not the end. It is the beginning. Your newfound peace is transferable. Calm assurance is not meant to stay locked up in your stable of security. Its purpose is to be unleashed into the lives of others. Now that you are resting in the calm assurance of Christ, you can infect others with the same peace and serenity. You can courier Christ to others. He has positioned you to dispatch calm assurance. The circle of your influence needs to hear you say, “It’s all right.”
This is leadership. Your spouse needs to hear you say, “It’s all right.” Your children need to hear you say, “It’s all right.” Your parents need to hear you say, “It’s all right.” Your friends need to hear you say, “It’s all right.” Your work associates need to hear you say, “It’s all right.” You need to hear you say, “It is all right!”
This is not a naïve acknowledgement. It is not the power of positive thinking or a humanistic mantra. “It’s all right” is good theology. It is placing your trust in Jesus. It is a calm assurance based on the control and influence of Christ. You can be calm and assured because Christ is calm and assured. Calm assurance is a give and take. So, receive it and give it. Fear melts under the calm assurance of Christ!
Taken from the Dose 13 reading in Boyd Bailey’s Infusion. This 90-day devotional book is a compilation of the reader’s favorites from Wisdom Hunters daily devotional. Andy Stanley says, “I have walked with Boyd for over 20 years and I am definitely wiser for it. You are going to love this book!”